Victor Mallet ha escrit un interessant article al Financial Times que recomanem: "Catalonia resists 'mad' austerity". Trobem remarcable que el Financial Times expliqui l'immens dèficit fiscal de Catalunya (que quantifica en un 9%), i que compari les aportacions de Catalunya a Espanya a les que fins ara ha fet la Unió Europea:
'He (President Mas) called for a new deal to reduce the 9 per cent of GDP that he said Catalonia transferred to the rest of Spain each year'.
"It's impossible that some regions should put this money on the table for ever without anything changing," he said, comparing the withdrawal of European Union aid funds for Spain in 2013 to the cuts he hoped to achieve in Catalan transfers to the rest of Spain.
"What happens in Europe should happen in Spain," he said. "In Spain, people have been living beyond their means. In Catalonia, we're living below our means."
Tan de bo més mitjans i institucions catalanes denunciessin i quantifiquessin més sovint l'espoli fiscal català com ho fa avui el Financial Times. Per últim, volem aprofitar per lamentar que l'excel·lent reportatge que el Financial Times va publicar la setmana passada sobre Barcelona i Catalunya no va tenir cap ressó a la premsa catalana: només en flagelem i lamentem quan parlen malament de nosaltres i obviem quan ho fan bé (un link amb una reflexió al respecte).
'He (President Mas) called for a new deal to reduce the 9 per cent of GDP that he said Catalonia transferred to the rest of Spain each year'.
"It's impossible that some regions should put this money on the table for ever without anything changing," he said, comparing the withdrawal of European Union aid funds for Spain in 2013 to the cuts he hoped to achieve in Catalan transfers to the rest of Spain.
"What happens in Europe should happen in Spain," he said. "In Spain, people have been living beyond their means. In Catalonia, we're living below our means."
Tan de bo més mitjans i institucions catalanes denunciessin i quantifiquessin més sovint l'espoli fiscal català com ho fa avui el Financial Times. Per últim, volem aprofitar per lamentar que l'excel·lent reportatge que el Financial Times va publicar la setmana passada sobre Barcelona i Catalunya no va tenir cap ressó a la premsa catalana: només en flagelem i lamentem quan parlen malament de nosaltres i obviem quan ho fan bé (un link amb una reflexió al respecte).
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